Friday, March 28, 2008

Promises promises...

Today I took a long look at my last post and realized something.

I've failed. Miserably.

I've failed to uphold the standards which I've set before myself in regards to this blog. I've failed to keep the promises I've made to you to provide anything of substance. (All four of you.)

Guys, it's only been a week or so since Tyler and I started this, and I'm already beginning to have doubts.

Not doubts about the idea, but doubts about the execution; at least the execution on my part. I don't want to force anything on here. I don't want to just provide white noise in order to fill up a post entry. I want this to be separated from the already billions of blogs of wax poetry and emo verbalization.

Dear God, I don't want to be a CD liner note for Dashboard.

I'm pretty introspective at the moment. I blame it on a conversation I just had with Matt Stine, a wise old sage.

Not to mention a muscular one.

He's like a miniature very large Bhudda. With hair. Gratuitous amounts of hair.

So, all of this to say that in the next couple of days, you will see some changes within what we are doing here at Push.

Much promised interviews, current event related articles, and music drops will be posted.

Also, we've gotten some feedback from a few of you concerning articles of your own that you were interested in posting. Please, never hesitate to approach Tyler or myself with an idea. We listen to and ignore all ideas equally.

With that said, keep on doing your thing people.



Anonymous said...

gratitous amounts of hair? its nort like i have hair growing on my lower back...., whats a sage?
the still anonymous matt s.

Jared and/or Tyler said...

A sage is:

adj 1: having wisdom that comes with age and experience
2: of the gray-green color of sage leaves [syn: sage-green]
n 1: a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is
renowned for profound wisdom
2: aromatic fresh or dried gray-green leaves used widely as
seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc
3: any of various plants of the genus Salvia; cosmopolitan
[syn: salvia]

I believe one or more of those definitions would accurately describe you, O' Wise One.


A dictionary is:

Something you read when you don't know what a word means.