Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I'm not a big fan of people who constantly criticize my school, even though from time to time I could be considered one of them. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I need to inform you that there are of course positive aspects about this place to counter the negative ones. Unfortunately though, the negative seems to be what we as a people tend to focus on the most. I think you could go to any small Christian college, or even a giant state funded one, and nearly every person there, when describing their perception of their respective schools, would overwhelmingly focus on the negative tenants of wherever they are.

Perhaps that's just human nature.

So, allow me to indulge my human nature.

I firmly believe that a majority of the people at my school lack the social awareness of a fruit fly.

Sure many of them grew up in homeschooling environments or Christian high schools, so their social skills weren't always encouraged or given the best room to grow. Please understand that this is not an indictment of homeschooling or Christian education. I'm a product of the latter, and I believe that I've come out of it with moderate to decent social ability.

So there IS hope.

My issue arises when I'm walking down the sidewalk and virtually every person I'm passing the other way has their eyes planted to the ground, so as avoid eye contact, which lead to the inevitable awkward interactions and exchanges. I'm not asking that everyone look me in the eye and ask me how I'm doing.

But come on people, can we at least ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that there are other people around you on this forsaken planet?

It's not even the sidewalk exchanges. So often I see everyone either freeze up, blow up, or just give up when presented with the opportunity for interaction. It's completely mind boggling to me. I understand that I need to be loving, but consider this a case of tough love.

Grow up people. The world is bigger than you. Find out what's going on in it and you just may be inspired to act for once in your life.

I was going to apologize for any of this sounding slightly incendiary, but I could not, in clean conscience, do that. I firmly believe in everything that I've written.

I'm sure some of you are shaking your heads and wondering what the heck is going on in mine. Let me assure you, not even I know that sometimes.

With that said, how 'bout them Jayhawks?



Anonymous said...

It is also interesting as I now am not in a small Christian college but a small conservative city that even here we do not understand the hurt that people go through. We need to be able to come together and help each other and get involved in each others lives.

Keep working hard to infiltrate the minds of Christian people that only know one way of doing things. Praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

awkward interactions, comfortable interactions, i do not care. either way is okay. homeschool. not homeschool. both make me happy. i do not care

-indifferent italian guy

Anonymous said...

Jared, you're so tall that when you look at people you think they're looking at the ground but they're looking straight ahead. Don't hate on little people. :)

Jared and/or Tyler said...

Darn you yourself!

Anonymous said...

A vixen never reveals her true identity. :)

Emily Coe said...

The negative attitude towards the school is one thing that makes me really angry about the people here too. As far as I'm concerned, no one is forcing them to come to Taylor. If they don't have anything positive to say, then they should just leave. Period.

In regards to the lacking of social skills... Amen.

That right there is one of the main reasons I will never homeschool my children. In some instances, the kids turn out just fine, but so frequently they come out of it with more damage than good was done.

This might sound a bit harsh (moreso than your actual post) but, in my opinion, homeschooling should be simply renamed as "sheltering." Parents think that they're protecting their children from the bad things of the world, but what they're really doing is inhibiting them from succeeding. The children don't develop the proper social skills and they never learn how to deal with the real world.

In so many cases that I've observed, homeschooled children turn out far worse than publicly schooled ones. When they get out of the home environment, they have no idea how to handle even the most simple and basic social situations. This leads them to fall to peer pressure and retreat further into their sheltered "christian bubble" that they grew up in. This bubble is one thing that is preventing the spreading of the Gospel. So many of today's Christians have no idea how to relate to the non-believers that surround them.

Now, by no means am I saying that we should adopt all of the secular behaviors and develop a worldy lifestyle, but we do definitely need to be aware of that world and have an adequate understanding of it. Otherwise, how are we supposed to reach out to people? How are we supposed to make the Gospel relevant to the modern person?

Don't know if any of that makes any sense, haha. It's late and I rambled a lot. But that's my opinion.

I guess, in conclusion, all I really have to say is: I agree.

theoldfather said...

1) state schools are better.

2) social awareness will only indict you to more sins of omission. maybe the homeschoolers just don't want to work that hard ;) ...those bastards!

3) hardline conservative christian schools like taylor are characterized not by homeschooled kids or private christian school kids, but by kids who come from very controlling families. the school then acts as surrogate parents, enforcing the values and ideals of the parents from afar. for most, this only prolongs the period of growth needed to live truly empowered lives. christ did not come to die on the cross. he came to leave again; to reenforce the fact the he does not feel the need to be in continual control of our lives. can there be a greater forgiveness than that?